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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Positively 2018

by Mauverneen

"The best way to succeed in this world is to act on the advice you give to others." - Unknown

     So - how are those New Year's Resolutions going? Personally I don't make many, if at all. Not because I don't need to but because there are so many to choose from. The ones I do make I usually keep to myself. Not so much that fear of failure will bring criticism for having failed but because they are so personal. Sure I want to lose a few pounds, travel extensively, win a million bucks, but who doesn't? Those are more desire than resolve.
      Resolutions are the steps to the goal. If I want to lose weight I have to commit to either eating less or exercising more. If I want to travel, I have to do my research, book those tickets, and if I want to win a fortune, well, I better start buying those lottery tickets.

"Our greatest fear should not be of failure ... but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter." - Francis Chan
       If I want to become a published author, I need to commit to writing - regularly and earnestly. If I want to become good at watercolor painting, then I need to practice. If I want to become a better person, I need to bite my tongue more often.

      Making resolutions requires commitment. Unless of course those resolutions are merely made on the assumption that we HAVE to make them. Which we don't. But we do because we know we are not perfect. We WANT to do better.
      So, for this year I resolve to....
      Aah, if only procrastination and diversion weren't so wonderfully tempting.

     "We become what we think about most of the time, and that's the strangest secret." - Earl Nightingale
 Have a wonderful 2018 - may you reach your goals!

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